The creators were very ambitious. They wanted to combine the best possible cinema with a solid historical narrative. They emphasized on the former one and got a little bit too narcissistic about their own creation. It's good works. However, it could be **** substantial.
跪求**区 2020-04-11
集数倒过来的😂😂。 美国侵略美洲大陆史,印第安人被屠戮史,墨西哥丧权辱国史。
好好玩不好玩 2023-10-02
Pedestrian Q 2020-07-20
**兔2024 2022-11-19
米子 2022-06-06
Not the part of history that many Americans feel proud of, but it's an essential part that made America what is it today.
非人斋 2021-04-28
很好的概述了**战争到南北战争前米国如何从海岸国家扩张为大陆国家的历史 情节紧凑人物魅力爆表宛如美剧 非常过瘾 不像安德鲁杰克逊等人充满争议 丹尼布恩 大卫克罗克特 特库姆塞 三人时隔多年依然称得上是英雄 甚至在后世的影视作品中能经常看到他们的影子 刘易斯是天才但结局实在令人惋惜 最遗憾的是印第安国家的梦想随着特库姆塞的战死随风而逝 不然他必将是美联酋国父👍 可惜应该把**斯加和夏威夷 甚至黑船也拍进来 海上拓荒史应当也是米蒂至关重要的一块历史拼图 不论好坏 理解边疆精神是理解米蒂自由主义以及与生俱来侵略性的重要环节
Latortura 2021-05-04
vvx726 2022-05-03
打着纪录片幌子拍电视剧 如果看历史的话可以倍速看
旭亮搜神记 2020-04-22
The creators were very ambitious. They wanted to combine the best possible cinema with a solid historical narrative. They emphasized on the former one and got a little bit too narcissistic about their own creation. It's good works. However, it could be **** substantial.
跪求**区 2020-04-11
集数倒过来的😂😂。 美国侵略美洲大陆史,印第安人被屠戮史,墨西哥丧权辱国史。
好好玩不好玩 2023-10-02
Pedestrian Q 2020-07-20
**兔2024 2022-11-19
米子 2022-06-06
Not the part of history that many Americans feel proud of, but it's an essential part that made America what is it today.
黑色的眸 2023-07-30