"Maybe I'm overthinking this a little bit too much. Maybe it is **** ******. Maybe it is just about planting your flag in the ground, calling it pride whether there is 10 people or 10,000 people, and feeling that spirit of connectedness."
NouvelleVague 2020-08-04
很平实的纪录片,值得一看,印象最深的竟然是black trans
me 2022-11-17
“So if I'm losing a piece of me Maybe I don't want heaven”
帕特里克 2020-05-12
角度挺好的 看到现在LGBTQ内部的种族问题,但是既然看到了为什么纪录片还是没有亚裔的身影
野人 2019-06-11
从石墙运动50周年的历史角度出发,讲的是Pride对LGBTQ+年轻一代的意义。平平淡淡的纪录片,但装了好多好多温柔。正如片中人物所说,我们要在protest同时也在*****,缺一不可。Happy Pride Month!
瑴 2020-03-05
Ulysses 2019-06-16
"Maybe I'm overthinking this a little bit too much. Maybe it is **** ******. Maybe it is just about planting your flag in the ground, calling it pride whether there is 10 people or 10,000 people, and feeling that spirit of connectedness."
NouvelleVague 2020-08-04
很平实的纪录片,值得一看,印象最深的竟然是black trans
me 2022-11-17
“So if I'm losing a piece of me Maybe I don't want heaven”
帕特里克 2020-05-12
角度挺好的 看到现在LGBTQ内部的种族问题,但是既然看到了为什么纪录片还是没有亚裔的身影
野人 2019-06-11
从石墙运动50周年的历史角度出发,讲的是Pride对LGBTQ+年轻一代的意义。平平淡淡的纪录片,但装了好多好多温柔。正如片中人物所说,我们要在protest同时也在*****,缺一不可。Happy Pride Month!