酒店国原名:Country of Hotels,又名乡村酒店
旅馆之国(Country of Hotels)讲述了绝望的灵魂穿越508号门的故事,这些门位于一家匿名的,腐烂的旅馆五楼的房间。我们踏上了一条幽灵般的黑色喜剧旅程,沿着孤独的走廊,过时的家具和肮脏的表面后面。这个故事使我们陷入了不断旋转的鬼屋旋转木马,他们进出旅馆。通*者,孤独的**和骗子们在拼命地捉摸自己的恶魔,而酒店员工却经常在窥探中时时时时窥探。在这家酒店内,平凡的生活变成了威胁的实现;灯具故障似乎包含隐藏的摄像机;加热装置对客人的威胁越来越小。电视机随机翻转*道,播放电视节目,以显示客人的 秘密的偏执**;斜视浴室镜成为证明自己存在的最快方法。
FY7 2023-06-23
ningajinga 2021-03-13
The only thing interesting about the film it cuts between TV scenes, the **** footage of the room and the story happening in the hotel room itself as well as the fantasy of the residents, which gives the film a dreamlike feature. It tries to touch upon themes of betrayal, male incompetence and jealousy, but the approach is just not that creative.