伍迪.格思里:三和弦与真相原名:Woody Guthrie: Three Chords and The Truth,
Woody Guthrie is one of America’s legendary songwriters. A voice of the people, he wrote hard-hitting lyrics for a hard-hit nation. His is a tale of survival, creativity and reinvention. He is proof that there is always potential for change and even in 2019, **** than fifty years after his death, he is challenging Donald Trump from beyond the grave. With enormous influence ****...
Zenabeth 2019-12-13
自译中字 https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1ah411R7Dz
CM 2020-11-17
伍迪是音乐界的史坦贝克。史坦贝克用诺贝尔文学奖小说《愤怒的葡萄》(The Grapes of Wrath,1939)来刻画这群从贫困的中部平原前往**寻求梦想的人的苦难与愤怒。伍迪则是用他的吉他和歌声,用自己的生命体验,来写这个故事。
呼特那尼 2021-04-03
Woody Guthrie在美国民歌史上是教父般的存在,被沙尘暴摧毁的家乡,被**政府种族歧视的俄克拉荷马ramblers,被媒体选择性忽略死于**的28名墨西哥劳工,以及被他所深爱的属于每个人民的国家,都被他写进歌里。据说他一生创作了3000多首歌,却只有10%自己录唱过,实在遗憾。美国的强大或许正是因为有许许多多Woody这样的***,在这一点上他和马丁路德***克吐温等并无差别。 当然最大的瓜竟然是Woody 曾写歌讽刺抨击的他的种族主义者房东Fred Trump竟然是Donald Trump的父亲,所以片中直接就抨击起川普造墙了哈哈哈,种族主义是会遗传吗。 纪录片本身而言资料不算丰富,或许是因为Woody在世时的媒体实在太不发达吧。