别名:My Canadian Adventure
掘金假日原名:Min søsters børn og guldgraverne,又名My Canadian Adventure
从事儿童教育研究的伦德教授,禁不住几个人小鬼大的小外甥的怂恿,踏上了去加拿大寻找祖传**的旅途。小鬼们瞒着在加拿大的姑姑,带着舅舅终于在一个山洞里找到了曾祖父埋藏的**,但同时他们也被当地的强盗盯上了。 “Family film ”** Sisters Kids & the Gold Diggers' sends Uncle Erik and the kids on a new adventure. This time discovering the children that their *****-grandfather emigrated from Denmark and was a gold digger in Canada. Even now, many years later, they still have family over th...