别名:The Living Fire / Zhyva vatra
喀尔巴阡山脉之火原名:Жива Ватра,又名The Living Fire、Zhyva vatra
The snow is starting to melt and spring has announced its arrival. Three Carpathian shepherds, just like their fathers and grandfathers before them, set off with their flock into the mountains on a lonely journey lasting several months. A nostalgic, mystery-tinged essay about an ancient profession that unbridled civilization may soon swallow up.
熊仔俠 2019-07-24
OreoEmpanada 2015-12-02
抱着可能看到另一部『Volta à Terra』的期待去看,结果反反复复无非就是一句放羊苦,放羊没前途……信息量简直少得可怜,如果说摄影还只是华而不实,那配乐就是喧宾夺主到无法容忍了。另外叫Ivan的在乌克兰重名率是有多高……