been painting a whole idea of another person of who i am —— living in highland, dreamy oldie life (thinking about running a home-stay for visitors, if im rich. also witnessing that biggest, sloppiest smile on your face like exactly the one i saw yesterday. baby.
🍄 2020-12-20
been painting a whole idea of another person of who i am —— living in highland, dreamy oldie life (thinking about running a home-stay for visitors, if im rich. also witnessing that biggest, sloppiest smile on your face like exactly the one i saw yesterday. baby.
alty 2022-08-08
羊毛卷 2022-08-29
说起墨西哥我能想到的是塔可 牛油果 龙舌兰酒,现在能再加一个黛安娜·肯尼迪,墨西哥食谱里很传奇的一个存在,从她的做菜精神里我们可感受到她的真诚,热情,渴求,坚持,还有她自信活泼的人格魅力,不知道有没有人和我一样,看到她扎头巾戴帽子的那刻想到了汤婆婆\此处没有贬低意思,就是觉得外型很像。最后奉上我们**厨娘说的泰戈尔的那首诗:星星说,让我点亮我的灯,不要去争论是否能消除黑暗。共勉!