idol都被塑造出不食人间烟火的感觉。。。how does it work?Do the audiences conspire?Do we ignore sth. just because we don't wanna see it?Why?Do we really desire sth. that hardly could exist?We just wanna it exist , and it will exist exactly in a virtual field with some distance.
包装纸 2023-09-03
蹦蹦喝草莓酸* 2020-02-14
野树 2020-11-21
idol都被塑造出不食人间烟火的感觉。。。how does it work?Do the audiences conspire?Do we ignore sth. just because we don't wanna see it?Why?Do we really desire sth. that hardly could exist?We just wanna it exist , and it will exist exactly in a virtual field with some distance.