盖文和史翠西:2019圣诞特别篇原名:Gavin & Stacey Christmas Special,
It’s been ten years since we last went to Billericay to spend Christmas with the Shipmans and the Wests. This year we’re off to Wales for the festivities, where Bryn is cooking dinner for 13 people. Understandably he’s tense. Pam would secretly prefer to spend Christmas in Essex as she finds Gwen’s house a bit lacking, but the deal has always been that they alternate every year...
AshtrayGem 2020-02-02
10年后的reunion,Nessa感觉还和以前一样...还有Bryn好像完全没变。依旧是**且熟悉的威尔士圣诞节,喜欢Gavin的爸妈,依旧chill,里面那个dry January太真实了,我in-laws也每年说(。最喜欢那个fishing trip,每次就是到嘴边,偏不告诉你哈哈!结尾略shock,但也在情理之中
和风莫吉托 2022-12-28
Sonia那段是谁feel related了我不说🙊
间歇**观主义 2021-01-02
还是更喜欢老版本 不过pam Nike grwn 真的不老啊
是彭定康说的 2020-10-20
终于找到资源 Garvin和Stacey 老了好多 其他人都没怎么变
Dyifannnnnn 2019-12-28
期待了很久,虽然十年过去了但是演员的变化却都不是很大!Bryn和Jason还是没讲出fishing trip到底发生了什么,Pam还是那么嫌弃Gwen,Nessa那句What's the occurring还是那么搞笑。感觉奇怪的一点是,看这个剧是4k 哈哈! 最后的结局有点牵强,但是总体来说还是很喜欢
大不列颠小脆脆 2019-12-27
白亦桃 2024-01-17