火热的母亲原名:Hot Mother,
A mother and her daughter are going through a major crisis. Lack of understanding on one side, rejection on the other. They hope that a visit to a spa hotel in the mountains will **** bring them closer together again, but as the questions grow **** intimate in the sauna, the conflict escalates. The situation intensifies to a tragic impasse, which the director and screenwriter d...
ZOE仙子 2020-02-24
70th Berlinale Generation kurzfilm 2 里面最棒的。母女关系的冲突。别人的关系和她们关系对**冲突。之前之后两人强势关系的对掉。蒸汽房内和前台氛围的对比。前台滑稽的短视*背景下却是那么真实的母爱。15分钟迸发的爆发力。瞬间泪目
deepwalk 2024-03-18