亚历山大·汉密尔顿原名:Alexander Hamilton,
One of the most controversial men of his age, Alexander Hamilton was a gifted statesman brought down by the fatal flaws of stubbornness, extreme candor, and arrogance. His life and career were marked by a stunning rise to power, scandal, and tragedy. He had one of the most notorious love affairs of any public figure in American history, and met his death in a startling act of p...
皮皮兔 2015-07-08
PBS American Experience S19E15
打芬奇 2020-09-20
比LMM的剧多了不少史实细节,时间线梳理地更细致了。Through his life, Alexander Hamilton felt he never really belonged, this was only partly true, he did belong, he belonged to the future.
下河迷人羊果朗 2018-12-31
早慧孤子,才华出众,醉心功名 把国家用钱粘在一起的男人 论如何跟你的反对者共事?! 精英统治VS平民政治 **场·党争·名誉·决斗·懦夫游戏
蚊子酱 2019-03-25
momo 2016-05-11
Zoe 2021-06-30
简洁明了的历史人物纪录片。美国开国人物之一,与华盛顿亦师亦友。前段时间Hamilton musical特别热闹但没赶上,其实看看纪录片也挺好的。感觉是个公私分明,特别注重名誉的人。一生起起伏伏,最终与人决斗死于他人枪下。确实是戏剧人生啊。
crystal53451 2017-09-04
对我这种汉密尔顿盲而言,长度和内容还是不错的。看完觉得他太天才了,要膜一膜。。。历史学家们说八卦的时候,一个个眉飞色舞,就是演员们对着镜头读书信内容还是有点出戏的,意外看到了Danis O'Hara出镜。
小慢 2015-07-12
De Toekomst 2016-09-20
笑笑 2016-09-28