别名:爱之屋 / The House of Love
演员: Bianca Dolce Miele Natasha De Casto Dario Bacis Domenico Monetti Walter Zombie
爱之家原名:La casa dell’amore,又名爱之屋、The House of Love
Throughout its 77 minutes, the film never once leaves the small Milan apartment of Bianca Dolce Miele, a dark safe ***** illuminated by the warm light of the occasional candle, with objects arranged with ritualistic intention and a black cat always on the roam. A *** of the heavens hangs above the bed, the outside world is accessed via telephone. “I’m always here, any time,” sh...
咯咯精 2020-02-15
看了好几个 看不出是不是纪录片的…光头好戴假发,真的
十一月** 2020-02-25
#Berlinale 这居然是纪录片??跟朋友拿着student pass直接进来的…有一丝宗教神谕味道在里面 细品还挺好玩的片子
Mandorla 2020-02-28
#Berlinale70#………我花了13欧看了个什么?为了看它还迟到了DAU Natasha的15分钟?