别名:My Name is Baghdad
演员: Grace Orsato Karina Buhr Marie Maymone Helena Luz Nick Batista
更新时间: 04-03 03:25
资源状态: 可播放
我叫巴格达原名:Meu nome é Bagdá,又名My Name is Baghdad
A film from the skater world of São Paulo, where it is women who call the shots. Bagdá is surrounded by self-confident role models in her family. However, outside on the streets, in the venues and clubs, the old machismo continues to dominate. Bagdá and her fellow comrades-in-arms confront it defiantly.
良卓月 2021-02-12
igrɛkonze 2020-03-04
小朋友很萌 除此之外一無是處吧……?究竟為什麼要拍這種東西?
Tiziaa 2021-10-30
一个多小时看的我如坐针毡 摇晃的镜头生活感一下就来了(高情商 很少看这种生活性很强的电影 前面有位哥直接拿了个滑板来看可能是滑过来的吧
blood orange 2020-02-29