哈伦·法罗基:反影像原名:Harun Farocki: The Counter-Image,
This desktop investigation asks: how can one begin to learn about Farocki? Starting with a ***** search for his name online, this film scans over his body of work and asks how one should begin to watch it. By using different methods to make sense of Farocki's images, a key concept emerges: the counter-image.
胤祥 2020-02-06
#49th IFFR# DeepFocus-Regained "Learning Farocki"特别**。**电影,相当有启发的对哈伦·法罗基作品的研究。导演Kevin B. Lee是在歌德学院委托下对法罗基作品进行了研究(****://curtocircuito****/en/films/kevin-b-lee-x-harun-farocki),这部**电影还用到了桌面电影的技巧。
Lycidas 2020-02-08
"Learning Farocki" Kevin B. Lee的video essay(fo他vimeo好多年,做视*主题之广泛角度之精巧令人叹*,跟他本人其实是cross-*****而非单纯电影研究出身很有关系)。这部其实是Farocki作品一个概述,超羡慕他筹备时拿到了Farocki全部作品的电子档!由于Farocki本身亦是媒介研究者,this video is like an essay on an essay. 一位同样热衷媒介与影像意义的人,跨越时间与另一位同道中人相遇,妙不可言。