Mothers Of The Revolution
A new film from acclaimed filmmaker, Briar March. The Greenham Common protests began in 1981 when a group of Welsh women, known as the Women For Life On Earth, marched from Cardiff to Greenham Common in Berkshire to protest the 96 US Cruise nuclear missiles being placed at the RAF base there. Realising that the march alone would not be enough to get the missiles removed, the wo...
miaisdreaming 2021-10-08
@curzon soho,伦敦电影节首映来看的,讲述了1981-2000年greenham女性运动的始末,片子不长,简明扼要,不夹带私货;片后的答疑环节更加精彩,主创和观众因为政治问题吵起来了,最后故意找茬的观众被全场嘘出去了。
呆萌喵星人 2021-10-07
#LFF21 第7场 跟随Briar March的镜头,走进那段历史之中。格林汉姆的她们,19年的跨越,史上最著名的女性****之一,影像资料的列举,参与者的陈述,时至今日人们依然会回味这段往事,永远不要低估女性的力量。