Nerdwriter写了一篇Seinfeld‘s Intangibles.读完就来了解宋飞的standup风格。他说, So much of culture looks absurd and farcical and dumb to him. Very little of what he sees seems reasonable, but everyone’s acting like it is. He’s like a child looking at the irrational ***** world, asking a million questions, but all the adults can say is, “That’s just the way it is.”
脱*核糖十三 2020-05-17
Always so neat. 65岁的宋飞就像是大学里那种老教授老院长,头衔、荣誉、学术建树、业界口碑该有的都有了,但还是每个学期兴致昂扬地来给本科生上入门大课,一开口就知道是教了一辈子书的驾轻就熟,连每个肢体动作的设计、对着镜头的角度转换、甚至和话筒线的互动都行云流水,没有其他年轻老师很受学生喜欢的那种或插科打诨或桀骜不驯,只是游刃有余地示范给大家一份规范整洁的高分答卷。台下的学生可能换了一代又一代,但只要他自己讲不腻,他就还是 Rate ** Professors 上的 5.0 高分。
Ted 浙一 2020-05-06
第一次看完宋飞的全场,嘲讽手机和邮件那段棒。/ 6.9
木可流芳 2020-05-07
说失望的绝对有失偏颇,宋飞式哲学几乎无出其二,超越不了自己也没啥丢人的。bucket list把b改成f就算完成了,这文字游戏一等一了!
RealityBites 2020-05-10
"sucks" and "*****" are exact same thing.
Virgil 2020-05-05
DONT_BOTHER 2023-12-31
Nerdwriter写了一篇Seinfeld‘s Intangibles.读完就来了解宋飞的standup风格。他说, So much of culture looks absurd and farcical and dumb to him. Very little of what he sees seems reasonable, but everyone’s acting like it is. He’s like a child looking at the irrational ***** world, asking a million questions, but all the adults can say is, “That’s just the way it is.”
弗特家 2020-05-06
AshtrayGem 2020-05-11
关于marriage的笑话过分真实,married couple度假就是:花大价钱在高级酒店里吵架(((。
张华弥 2020-05-06
开场经典“go out”段子,太卖力。Seinfeld: “What is it about everything and nothing?” “It’s reality, dude.”
it s okay 2020-05-25
不说脏话的stand up真的很厉害。前半段很不错,很有一向的风采,后面有点不行,特别说女性的那段很怪,有点offending。3.5吧