寻找鲁格弗先生原名:Searching for Mr. Rugoff,
The feature documentary Searching for Mr. Rugoff is the story of Donald Rugoff, who was the crazy genius behind Cinema 5, the mid-century theater chain and film distribution company. Rugoff was a difficult (some would say impossible) person but was also the man who kicked art films into the mainstream with outrageous marketing schemes and pure bluster. Rugoff's impact on cinema...
舌在足矣 2021-08-14
作为一个住纽约UES、从事电影宣发工作的影迷,竟然都从未听说过Mr. Rugoff这个名字,足见这部纪录片的重要性。从放映到发行,将加夫拉斯、《巨*与圣杯》、《婚姻生活》、老罗伯特·唐尼等一众60-70年代的欧洲片、**片引入美国,革新宣发策略,Rugoff为韦恩斯坦等后来者铺平了道路。但他等到死后30年才有人为之树碑立传,实在令人唏嘘。而坐在曾经属于Rugoff的Cinema 5旗下、如今却被Netflix接盘的Paris Theater看这部关于院线发行传奇的纪录片,更有一种五味杂陈之感