+0.5,动画依然在以它的二维打动三维的观众,女儿带走了父母世界的色彩,if anything gone, I d stay with you
北落師門Hiruma 2021-04-26
It doesnt matter how long it takes. They will never be cured. They will never get better. They will never forgive themselves. They will never forgive this world. They will never move on. I know you love them. But they will never love themselves without you.
滴溜滴溜转 2020-11-21
M. 2021-01-04
bugz 2020-12-09
初光微暖 2020-11-27
当个小女孩最后变成一个正在微笑的大太阳时 好像在鼓励他们的父母说mom and dad we gotta move on 那一刻真的好难过 无**难过 真的好讨厌这种无力的感觉。
思详者悟心生 2020-11-21
StarKnight 2020-12-02
鬈毛毛 2021-04-21
+0.5,动画依然在以它的二维打动三维的观众,女儿带走了父母世界的色彩,if anything gone, I d stay with you
北落師門Hiruma 2021-04-26
It doesnt matter how long it takes. They will never be cured. They will never get better. They will never forgive themselves. They will never forgive this world. They will never move on. I know you love them. But they will never love themselves without you.
沙力兔 2020-12-30
小**和灵魂的玩耍 父母送女儿上学时的不舍 (想到了那部父与女
点金 2020-11-26
美国不能言说的**自由问题 大中午的看哭了