Deleuze Guattari: Societies of Control and Antipsychiatry
This is a 43 min video presentation, the text can be read here ****://the-simulon.blogspot.ca/the information concerns a very important global issue of today on the subject of techno-cybernetic control of governments and society that is responsible for a ***** number of technologically unrelated global issues such as global capitalism, social *****, social control, global exp...
索里提亚 2019-05-29
创建的第一个条目= =。该片涉及理论包括德勒兹、福柯、鲍德里亚、乔姆斯基等,另有1968红五月等历史**纪实影像。对德勒兹、意识形态批判感兴趣的朋友可以了解一下。
彼得潘耶夫斯基 2020-08-02