im not some worthless bum. i pretend i was ready but i was nowhere close. Sometimes i feel like we were the only people in the world. And you're like this so vulnerable a person in a way that I had never seen before. And. likewise going through different stages of trauma and shock like I did
🍄 2022-07-09
im not some worthless bum. i pretend i was ready but i was nowhere close. Sometimes i feel like we were the only people in the world. And you're like this so vulnerable a person in a way that I had never seen before. And. likewise going through different stages of trauma and shock like I did
斋藤文太 2024-09-17
看第一季时觉得蛮无聊,但第二季时竟然开始有些**,邓肯长得像阿衰,感觉除了他之后家里两个女儿都是领养的,静很明显是个亚洲人,肯伯利是紫色头发,和爸妈都很不像。爸爸不像修水管的,更像搞艺术创作的,他们一家真的非常中产,有三个小孩要养,但是影片里一次都没有提及过钱的事,一次都没有。爸爸是蓝领工人好像国外还蛮赚钱,但是感觉每天都没有工作做,妈妈类似于公务员但是一个人养一家人还有很多休息时间也太扯了吧,连最小的宝宝都有iPad,动不动去看心理医生和夏令营,这个片子**意义上的好不真实,最喜欢沃夫和斯莱利。 非常适合做饭和打扫卫生当背景音的动画片,略微无聊但也不乏**。