Mora is 13 years old and intends to become a "gaucho". She questions the school and asserts her individuality towards her parents, two environmentalists from Italian-speaking Switzerland whose dream of autonomy turns into a nightmare. Mora goes deep into the steppe to **** the only friend she has, Nazareno, an old Mapuche who has lost his horse, Zahorí.
Peter Cat 2021-08-06
电车 2021-08-06
呆萌喵星人 2021-09-09
#TIFF21 第5场 心境描写倒是挺好的,以相对缓慢的速度做叙事桥梁,最终落脚点还是放在转变上,也像是种成长和选择。表现中规中矩吧,摄影镜头蛮出彩的。