Be an independent thinker, embrace the reality and deal with it, surround yourself by insightful people, and to have a ***** life.
小猪快跑233 2023-07-08
思考自己的真实 五步走原则 建立自己的专家团队 享受下一个**
已注销 2023-11-17
确立目标——发现问题——分析问题——寻找方法——坚持执行。 不停重复上面的过程。
Jiayi 2023-01-25
桑 2021-08-18
5/5 the key principles are never obscure. Keep learning through consistent practice and strong self-awareness. Endeavor to handle the reality and struggle well. A good lesson that is worth to revisit every now and then
pepper 安 2020-09-08
将自己的经济思维运用到人生中,人生也类似经济周期一样在一个一个挫折** 用力挣扎中获得新技能,曲折前行。看到了这个周期过程循环其中的5个步骤,冥想平复内心内省,同时也要面对个人能力和情绪上的局限,这是就**了团队的重要多从他人角度获得观点 从而避免一叶障目的盲点状态,学会看到事情更多的可能和全貌,继续前行。
Mx. L 2021-11-10
Be an independent thinker, embrace the reality and deal with it, surround yourself by insightful people, and to have a ***** life.
小猪快跑233 2023-07-08
思考自己的真实 五步走原则 建立自己的专家团队 享受下一个**
已注销 2023-11-17
确立目标——发现问题——分析问题——寻找方法——坚持执行。 不停重复上面的过程。
Jiayi 2023-01-25
桑 2021-08-18
5/5 the key principles are never obscure. Keep learning through consistent practice and strong self-awareness. Endeavor to handle the reality and struggle well. A good lesson that is worth to revisit every now and then
土拨松鼠 2021-07-07
棉亚麻树枝 2021-09-14
《原则》也有短片了?!ray dalio真好这口啊哈哈哈。
L.Lawliet 2021-09-13
Rewards come from taking risks.
李九弟Jody 2020-02-09
风险收益并存 & 极致开放地聆听不同的声音。每个人都在挣扎,你不是唯一一个。不要放弃。