别名:Crane Lantern
演员: Orkhan Iskandarli Elshan Abbasov Huseyn Nasirov Nigar Isayeva Rana Asgarova
鹤灯笼原名:Durna çırağı,又名Crane Lantern
Musa, a law student seeks out Davud, a man imprisoned for kidnapping **** women. He soon discovers that all of his victims have no wish to press charges. On the contrary, they have the feeling of a new truth in themselves. Musa's encounter with the purported criminal becomes a journey into someone else's inner world. Are the questions he asks the correct ones? Is the law a genu...
法外之徒 2022-02-04
#Trieste# 大景深长镜头、**化的环境音场和画外音的喃喃自语内间或涌现的诗意 将阿塞拜疆地貌化为自省的场域 童年记忆和感知、情绪和潜意识状态的象征间隙 为角色保有了喘息的余地 犯罪学学生与罪犯成镜像的面孔是同一个痛苦灵魂的碎片——导演自我的倍增 鹤灯笼的寓言与罪犯的自述 在白雪皑皑的山脉、一望无际的平原/同一个梦境中相互碰触 凝视着那些罪与罚、信仰与恐惧、好奇与忧郁、内省与麻木 大海和悬崖之间、拥抱和随风飘扬的纱巾之间、符号和纯粹想象之间、文字和难以捉摸的美丽之间 给予**空间以虚假的填充感和安全感——愈是充盈 愈是虚无
Salomé 2021-11-04
I am human, and nothing about being a human is strange to me.
blood orange 2021-10-29
#TIFFJP2021 希拉尔·贝达罗新作,艺术贡献奖
不缇 2021-11-08
美学 哲学 虽然睡了一小会但很喜欢
胤祥 2022-02-02
#33 Trieste FF Online# 世界首映2021东京主竞赛-获艺术贡献奖哈哈哈哈哈。空洞无聊到极点了,凹造型摆画面全靠神叨叨旁白,还连不起来……当然很多画面摆得还不错,基本是按着老塔来摆的(水面反光,雨,magic hour,以及石油滤镜……),剪成20分钟去美术馆更好吧,开二倍速都嫌浪费时间……