Pluto is no longer considered a planet. The posters in the classrooms and museum shops were replaced, new objects similar to Pluto will continue to appear. As time goes by, we'll get used to this idea just as we forget an old lover and long for new horizons.
烬中鸢 2023-10-03
竹兮 2023-10-04
意识的流动,翻译时就很受触动。 “入睡时,我希望能梦见自己坠入爱河。”
Aaaahri_Grey.🦋 2023-10-05
Happy 24th birthday to ** love 2023.10.05 —武汉影像艺术中心.
番茄小战士🍅 2023-10-04
星际密探 2023-10-06
有股奇妙的轰鸣感 至少这点很符合名字
假水 2023-10-07
10.04 武汉影像艺术中心(个鬼啦,屁大点地方也好意思给自己冠这个名…) / 冥王星不再特殊了,你于我亦如是。
茅不二子 2023-10-04
Pincent 2023-10-02
78/100 ***** and photo at the moment, tv actress in the past. 一些简单的天文对位,或许还有一层媒介自反特性,类似一种**电视演示片段中的叙事的不真实感/转瞬即逝感。