向东之途原名:Al Oriente,
Atahualpa works at the construction of a road to Oriente. In the region there is a rumor of a vast treasure hidden. After his girlfriend left the ****, Atahualpa feels a provocation, a distant call that takes him back hundred years.
基瑞尔 2021-09-12
Odradek 2021-09-13
#Venezia78 **摄影风格杂糅西部片底色,合奏出一首乡愁的拉美魔幻现实主义之歌。You jumped into the water and came out with your hands full of mud, you thought you had found gold.
blood orange 2021-09-04
#venezia Biennale College Cinema 2021 (竟然和我的短片撞了一部分概念)
其实不叫大怪兽 2021-09-08