都市对策原名:Urban Solutions,
A European artist writes about his experience in portraying life in Brazil during the colonial period. Aporteiro – concierge and security guard in one – watches the surveillance cameras in a residential building, while reflecting on his profession and the relationship with his employers. Between the exotic idyll of front yards and deterrent technology, his task is to establish ...
胤祥 2022-02-04
#IFFR51# Ammodo Tiger Short Competition。散文电影,**城市当下的阶级分析与殖**义历史的关系,有很多不错的图像分析。
Pincent 2022-03-22
82/100 #IFFR2022# 有趣的**城市探索,导演居然有四位
Legs 2022-02-12
IFFR 2022 Ammodo Tiger Short Competition.
竹兮 2022-02-23
IFFR2022. 才不要吃你的臭饼干!(摔) 反复出现的图像揭示主题,从另一种角度探讨种族和阶级问题,最后音乐响起的时候直接律动起来~
** 2022-04-21
Una无缘早睡 2022-10-19
2022-10-16 Rotterdam Ammodo Tiger Short Film Marathon #05。 睡了。听朋友讲是拍保安的,以**殖民历史隐喻现代贫富阶层差异。听完完全没有印象……我真是睡得不留痕迹(别人完全看不出但事实上我脑子已经没在转了)。
爱吃鱿鱼的猫 2022-11-14