看见你的声音原名:(越南版) Giọng Ải Giọng Ai,2016年喜剧、音乐、真人秀类型片,创作于越南地区,具有越南语语言版本。集众多位**成、长江、秋庄、屋青芸、阮哈莉、吴建辉、郑升平、黄燕·奇薇、阮玉芳贞、黄立、妙妮、Puka、矫明俊、芝芙、孔秀琼、怀林、Dai Nghia、Ca si Chi Dan等著名实力派明星加盟。
The guest artist(s) must attempt to guess six contestants who are 'good singers' (skilled vocalists) and who are 'bad singers' (tone-deaf vocalists) without hearing them singing. They also **** with a group of panelists under the Tone-deaf Detective Team (also called SING-vestigators). After they eliminate one to two contestants in each round, they reveal their singing ability ...