别名:Saïd, hadjira et Vincent / You Promised Me the Sea
演员: 肯扎·福特斯 Youssouf Abi-Ayad Arturo Giusi-Périer
海风让你自由原名:L'air de la mer rend libre,又名Saïd, hadjira et Vincent、You Promised Me the Sea
The story centres on Saïd, 27 years old, who still lives with his parents. He is in a secret relationship with Vincent. Unable to face his family, he accepts an arranged marriage with 25 years old Hadjira, who comes from the South of France. After a sad love story and some trouble with the law, she also resigned herself to obeying her mother. Trapped by their respective familie...
恰恰恰掐死你 2024-02-26
3.9/5 一个人在床虫泛滥的les halles ugc看了最后一场,挺好的,镜头简单,故事简单,这个女演员一直很优秀。整体没有太多感触,但是同场很多同**侣 不分年龄 不分国籍 大家在电影中途亲亲 还是挺有爱的
保持战斗保持热 2023-10-26
学生电影的感觉 ***男骗婚 最后同妻怀着孩子谅解 ***男回归男朋友 这种老掉牙的东西就算换了个文化背景 也就这样了
JohanNNNN 2024-11-10
ycyici 2023-11-02
LeCrépuscule 2024-04-02
#London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival 其实电影分的几个人物章节我并没有太看得懂之间的逻辑 以及这情节我真是看的满脸黑人问号 所以最后是男主继续美美** 女主怀孕且欣然当同妻的意思吗 被电影名吸引到 但除了人物对白时闲聊出现的几句海相关的台词 还有结尾才出现海景 没看出来还跟海有什么关系