接管原名:Reprise en main,又名The Takeover
The story revolves around Cédric who works in a precision engineering firm disastrously run by an investment fund. When the company’s impending resale to another fund is announced, Cédric decides to take over the firm himself and place it in the hands of its employees.
刘铃铛 2022-10-28
阿苍的天空 2022-10-19
Avant-première 20H15 27/09/2022 à l’UTOPIA BDX
没有昵称 2022-12-27
劳动人民虽然脑子慢半拍,一开始不懂金融圈的规则,但勤劳肯干,脚踏实地;金融精英满嘴黑话,实际只想压榨劳工并为自身牟取暴利。两边的对比黑白分明,不容任何nuance。实在太**了,没啥意思……说实话还挺同**中的总裁秘书:生在这么一个偏远山区,面对一群傻了吧唧只有爷们气的男人,哪个女孩不想走出山区到巴黎见见世面? @UGC Danton 2022-10-27