The Choice
In this planned series of interactive VR experiences, women talk about their choice to have an abortion. The woman sitting opposite you in this first episode shown at IDFA DocLab is Kristen from Texas. As you talk to her about her experience, the initially empty ***** around you gradually fills with animated line drawings that reinforce the story which is already so poignant. S...
momo 2022-03-17
狂疯暴雨 2022-10-11
怎么说呢,主角的讲述的确很动情,但作为因为一些原因曾深入过我国abortion surgery的我,还是难以感同她的身受。当她抛出难道我要离开德州离开美国才行的疑问时,我确实只能苦笑。诶。前序的一些问题选择设计其实有点太多了略鸡肋。个人样本只在最后轻轻的点了普遍性那么一句又缺了点力度。通篇的个人叙事其实也不适合做超过15分钟。纪录片详略取舍还是挺重要的。