别名:Uýra: The Rising Forest
崛起的雨林原名:Uýra - A Retomada da Floresta,又名Uýra: The Rising Forest
Uýra, a trans-indigenous artist travels through the Amazon forest on a journey of self-discovery using performance art and ancestral messages to teach indigenous youth and confront structural racism and transphobia in Brazil.
同志亦凡人中文站 2022-06-30
esoteric 2023-10-07
Person-plant, 最后人眼变成泥土真的非常creepy,让我重新审视了becoming这个大和谐的愿景,看到了其中恐怖的部分。也让queer美学具有了sublime的可能性/identity,trans,环保,这些东西感觉还是很表面化,没有很好地融合、产生新的意义或者可能性。不过比较好玩的可能是,drag朝向wild而不是feminine,这可能会回应butler的一些结论,也可能具有生产性。/grandmother of the earth,这个概念本身就是transspecies and queer。我觉得电影让我认识到:the inherent intertextuality between queer and environment,这确实很吸引我,也让我想继续做下去
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一开头很吸引我,很eco féminisme ,后续疲软。而且因为实在corps festival里看的,期待更多身体性的表演,结果没看到
里踱步浪泥 2023-04-21
“History and colonization erases 偶然identity” “Amazon need to be seen, not from satellite(but from who we are?” Person-plant。