I watch this with some gossip curiosity because the host Sara Ho is mentioned by one of ** best friends in her WeChat moment. Surprisingly, I was totally amazed by what Sara did to change other women's lives. Dressing and manners bring me confidence and undeniable glory in ** daily life. I should be **** diligent to dress well every day. Maybe someday I also should do similar things to make other women feel better—women's Power - also to remember ** very respectful leader Carolien from work.
中间帮典型fetishizing Asian women 的白男找亚裔女性 简直让**喊救命的程度 sara, girl, seriously??! what tf is wrong with you?! 对学生也是patronizing af… 槽点无数 绝啦 想学queer eye先学会尊重别人尊重自己吧 要命……
🙃 2022-11-17
… emmm the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain? 这干啥呢?浓浓殖/**义色彩,不尊重别的种族的文化。好奇Netflix为啥上这个,找骂吗?
shirley木 2023-11-26
24#601 2022-11-19
SandraZh 2023-07-07
I watch this with some gossip curiosity because the host Sara Ho is mentioned by one of ** best friends in her WeChat moment. Surprisingly, I was totally amazed by what Sara did to change other women's lives. Dressing and manners bring me confidence and undeniable glory in ** daily life. I should be **** diligent to dress well every day. Maybe someday I also should do similar things to make other women feel better—women's Power - also to remember ** very respectful leader Carolien from work.
千万両 2022-11-17
** 前五分钟我以为是enry iggins,看了几集原来我高估她了…….. 我现在觉得我也可以开班儿😑 (回来看了一眼,天呐我打了两星居然是最高分哈哈哈哈哈哈哈???我好宽容。
没头脑才高兴 2023-01-15
坐等1900 2022-11-22
开着当背景音的节目 虽然不认同所谓的being a lady 但是内容挺好玩的
lred 2022-11-20
仅看了开头一分钟 亚裔穿着旗袍教非裔怎么用刀叉吃香蕉 诶 这 应该是一部中式搞笑作品吧
浮槎 2022-11-23
中间帮典型fetishizing Asian women 的白男找亚裔女性 简直让**喊救命的程度 sara, girl, seriously??! what tf is wrong with you?! 对学生也是patronizing af… 槽点无数 绝啦 想学queer eye先学会尊重别人尊重自己吧 要命……
摩羯座的猫 2022-11-21