承接较早期的 political correctness gone mad 材料,对反 PC 人士再吐槽。比起 Tornado 要更英国本土化一些。演绎 Ricky Gervais 的桥段和 Content Provider 模仿年轻英国喜剧人的桥段的用力程度有的一拼。有幸在爱丁堡看了现场,相比录制,这段虽然近似灵魂出窍但其实没多少 improv 的成分?
sradicare 2024-06-09
The ***** moralist of stand-ups.| Boris Johnson jokes always kill!!
timelessclock 2023-03-13
Charlie 2022-12-27
4.5-,这场和Toranado并列看,更多meta笑话,更******** Stewart Lee一点。Tony Parsons吔*啦!
瓶中魔鬼v3 2022-12-22
BV1Yg411h7DA | drill在uk实火lol 没看smtm11之前还搞不懂sl在讲什么 重看简直笑死 | deadwood [ineffective n unproductive], erroneously [wrongly], bulge [a protuberant/swollen part], groin鼠蹊, stale bread/routine, asterisk*, the noughties [first decade of a century, usu 00-10] 零"nought/naught/aught", hold some1 accountable, be past its sell-by date过保, Tipp-Ex修正液, Dr Doolittle, chiropodist足科医生, anthrax炭疽, woke brigade | 身体绕着**转给我笑死🤣 Catherine wheel这个比喻太绝了xx | batter那里我没懂 只搜到yorkshire pudding的做****) | let me outta this hot car什么**callback🤣 突然折寿孽lol | 字典那里 in ** face!!!!! | boris撑住啊!!!LMAO | stewart lee冲冲冲!!单口没你怎么办T T
BLANK404 2024-01-29
Jin 2023-01-23
承接较早期的 political correctness gone mad 材料,对反 PC 人士再吐槽。比起 Tornado 要更英国本土化一些。演绎 Ricky Gervais 的桥段和 Content Provider 模仿年轻英国喜剧人的桥段的用力程度有的一拼。有幸在爱丁堡看了现场,相比录制,这段虽然近似灵魂出窍但其实没多少 improv 的成分?
sradicare 2024-06-09
The ***** moralist of stand-ups.| Boris Johnson jokes always kill!!
timelessclock 2023-03-13
Charlie 2022-12-27
4.5-,这场和Toranado并列看,更多meta笑话,更******** Stewart Lee一点。Tony Parsons吔*啦!
瓶中魔鬼v3 2022-12-22
BV1Yg411h7DA | drill在uk实火lol 没看smtm11之前还搞不懂sl在讲什么 重看简直笑死 | deadwood [ineffective n unproductive], erroneously [wrongly], bulge [a protuberant/swollen part], groin鼠蹊, stale bread/routine, asterisk*, the noughties [first decade of a century, usu 00-10] 零"nought/naught/aught", hold some1 accountable, be past its sell-by date过保, Tipp-Ex修正液, Dr Doolittle, chiropodist足科医生, anthrax炭疽, woke brigade | 身体绕着**转给我笑死🤣 Catherine wheel这个比喻太绝了xx | batter那里我没懂 只搜到yorkshire pudding的做****) | let me outta this hot car什么**callback🤣 突然折寿孽lol | 字典那里 in ** face!!!!! | boris撑住啊!!!LMAO | stewart lee冲冲冲!!单口没你怎么办T T
HTKin9 2024-12-08
非常非常之厉害 骂Ricky Gervais给我听爽了
米格 2023-10-27
Snowflake must never be silent