斯卡拉影院原名:Scala!!!,又名Or, the incredibly strange rise and fall of the world's wildest cinema and how it influenced a mixed-up generation of weirdos and misfits
misfits haven. thinking about the loss of place now and how it would be so hard to have spaces like this that concentrates and collects and embrace etc (and this is one big watchlist)
Uuncatyrkn 2023-10-16
lff23# 七八十年代亚***地+1)出乎意料很funny 且让本毫不relate的亚洲**狂笑&动容(为什么这些人都这么好玩!)左右大叔都偷偷抹眼泪…在场locals都老亚*了吧
金 2024-09-15
RustyZ 2024-01-19
在BFI Southbank看,最合适的地方之一。旁边坐着的男的老是突然打开手机,本来已经很烦了;看到他是用Letterboxd记录提到的片子,“好吧”。
諸行無常 2024-07-22
因为看电影我们被抓进**,这不是好事吗?(笑。Q&A时来了好多人啊大家都爱得好深沉好热情,问现存的艺术与**影院也cue到了London还有着BFI Southbank和PCC呢,有机会一定要去。又种草了一大堆烂片怪片,这辈子能看得完吗。Long Live Cinema!!!
风神125 2024-01-18
可爱,朋克们一个个成为了artist接受采访,墙上挂起了lou reed的蓝色纪念牌。可惜电影院就像那个**一样,依然在新生代嬉皮中失宠了
Oleaceae 2024-02-02
misfits haven. thinking about the loss of place now and how it would be so hard to have spaces like this that concentrates and collects and embrace etc (and this is one big watchlist)
泗水游海_ 2024-01-10
再次感叹什么叫做专业 踩LFF的尾巴领略了一回70s亚*庇护所的滋味 想真的参与到那个时候。
小也羊子 2024-05-16
去年在BFI买了票但没去成,隔了几个月换个地方看效果竟也不错,熟悉的英音、b级片和后朋,就有点想念敦子城了诶。 Siff Cinema Egyptian, Seattle
菌丝体 2024-01-13
发条辰 2024-01-06