《Chantal Akerman: Her First Look Behind the Camera》下载资源
《Chantal Akerman: Her First Look Behind the Camera》相关推荐
柯拉莉·塞里格、德菲因·塞里格 8.5
西尔塞·莱瑟姆、朱利安·拉萨姆 8.1《Chantal Akerman: Her First Look Behind the Camera》剧情内容介绍
《Chantal Akerman: Her First Look Behind the Camera》
Chantal Akerman: Her First Look Behind the Camera
雕刻时光 2024-02-29
74531 2024-05-22
always shoot what you feel like shooting,always shoot the things you like
Strategic_Scien 2024-02-27
CC套装D1花絮;有厨房洗碗和高跟鞋;Bruxelles两部2min多一点,Knokke两部刚好2min,Pedro Costa说Nothing moved me **** than the 4 ****-minute films that Chantal Akerman shot in 1967 – a year before Saute ** ville – as her application to the INSAS in Brussels.估计是时间概念比较差
无可食用 2023-09-18
#tiff2023# 大师抵定。Screened as part of the programme Wavelengths 3: Outlines.
山人泽兰 2024-08-24
8mm胶片特有的颗粒质感很有味道,有点回到1895年电影诞生之初卢米埃尔兄弟的那种家常小短片的感觉,只不过这次是女性视角,比如仰视角度拍小女孩凝望穿着***的男运动选手的镜头。很难想象那个时候拍出这种青涩但纯真作品的Akerman以后会成为影坛巨匠。#2024 서울국제여성영화제#