基本都是关于food he's the fattest crackhead i've ever seen; he has his pants off in a lot of jokes; a muffin is a bald cupcake;greeting cards;food before we eat food food after we eat food;我也超爱餐前面包哈哈哈vegans-do u know what they do to the chickens-no but its delicious
抖啊抖 2016-09-09
看到中间才适应他的creepiness 后面发现他的气声自黑也是段子之间挺好的过渡 70%的内容都是food jokes哈哈哈a muffin is a bald cupcake 对于比较过分的内容不打圆场这点挺好
Laura13 2017-01-23
其实我还蛮吃这套边讲边小声吐槽自己的?而且他真的就讲了好多food joke啊!
Marci 2016-07-15
外卖包含我最喜欢的两部分是,吃和坐着不动。**力无比低的小胖,他的食物笑话都好可爱。Hot Pocket。
bayer04 2013-03-30
Chaall 2016-09-03
长袜子 2019-10-12
食物笑话打天下,一整场下来也不算非常无聊,但乐趣就取决于你对食物有多热爱了。hot pocket一大段篇幅可以删点或者拆开来,否则这个梗太冗长了。模仿观众的吐槽役单句,是调整节奏的好工具,但还是用太多没新鲜感了。
pissoff 2019-09-02
Mamula 2014-02-02
最魂 2019-07-12
Totally clean and well written and well performed
日落可以慢半拍 2019-02-27
基本都是关于food he's the fattest crackhead i've ever seen; he has his pants off in a lot of jokes; a muffin is a bald cupcake;greeting cards;food before we eat food food after we eat food;我也超爱餐前面包哈哈哈vegans-do u know what they do to the chickens-no but its delicious
抖啊抖 2016-09-09
看到中间才适应他的creepiness 后面发现他的气声自黑也是段子之间挺好的过渡 70%的内容都是food jokes哈哈哈a muffin is a bald cupcake 对于比较过分的内容不打圆场这点挺好